Fixed type evaporative air cooler is the most suitable type of air cooler to be used to ventilate or cool down a wide open space area. The fixed type evaporative air coolers need to be installed together with a proper designed and calculated duct work to ensure optimum effectiveness. Every single aspect from type of building, space, layout, machines, and the surrounding environments have to be taken into calculation. Hence, every single case from normal restaurant to huge factory will have different customized design of the evaporative air cooler system.
To answer this question, we must first to know Evaporative Air Cooler does not have any refrigerant nor compressor inside. In other word, no refrigeration cycle for Evaporative Air Cooler. The only things that control the temperature for the air discharge from Evaporative Air Cooler is the latent heat of vaporization of water. In laymen term, the amount of heat absorbed by water during evaporation process. This property is a constant and can’t be manipulated, theoretically.
However, there is a main component inside the evaporative air cooler that determined the cooling efficiency, the cooling pad. A truly quality cooling pad consists of the properties as listed below,
All our evaporative air cooler is using the premium high quality cooling pad to deliver exceed expectation results for ventilation. Hence, the only aspect to be considered in choosing the Evaporative Air Cooler is how strong is the airflow required, in which, our experience sales executive will be more than happy to assist after understanding your requirement.
CrystalAir Air Cooler AC-230
CrystalAir Air Cooler AC-300
CrystalAir Air Cooler AC-500
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